
I believe in god, only I spell it Nature-- Frank Lloyd Wright

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tree time

So, Chris and I have been thinking about planting a tree on the north side of our house. That area lacks much of anything really. We were hoping it could shade our air handler and possibly our house, and save us some money on our air. Also, if I could I would plant an entire forest of beautiful trees! They make me happy :)

Now, the big question is- what kind of tree? We were thinking a small one, not over 20 feet. One with roots that don't come out of the ground all gnarly (it will be close to the foundation of our house). I can plant some vines or shrubs around it to keep the ground cool and give it some "neighbors" per say.

Any suggestions? We are open to any tree, especially if it loves Florida's zone 8-9 weather!


  1. Hey Jen!

    Small trees suggs:
    Florida Dogwood aka Flowering Dogwood (weird flowering tree acts as living bird food with its fruit)
    Crape Myrtle ( Love Love Love these.. and fast growing)
    Bottlebrush (very hardy but can get huge if you let it)
    Geiger Tree (which is very pretty but hates the cold)

    Might give you some ideas.. if you want a food source go lemon, lime, pomigrante, coffee, avacado, olive, bay, or grapefruit : )

  2. Thanks Brittany! I really like the Florida dogwood :)
