
I believe in god, only I spell it Nature-- Frank Lloyd Wright

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trees, and mythology

Ever feel drawn to a tree? Or always seek out to sit next to a certain tree? Who among us doesn't enjoy the feeling of walking amongst hundred year old trees? If so, you have been captivated by the allure of trees. Our facination with them goes back to the ancient Celtics.

Way back when the ancient Celtics lived, not much was known about science. They lived a wholly pagan life, relying on the Earth to provide food and shelter, and for predictable patterns of weather. They looked to their gods and goddesses for answers to life's mysteries. To them, a tree had it all: it provided shelter from the elements, wood for a fire and tools, fruit for food, and bark for clothing. Indeed these beautiful giants seemed to span into another plane of existence. The roots traveled down into the Earth where only the dead were presumed to roam, and it reached high up into the sky, scraping the homes of their gods and goddesses. It truly united the heavens and Earth, making trees spiritually significant and highly worshiped. They believed that trees were sacred, and many rituals were done around trees.

Each area on Earth has trees that are native and special to that area. It has adapted to the local environment and worked to help shape the landscape. They also work to clean up the pollution out of our air, and provide fresh oxygen for us to breath. Have you ever tried to cut down a tree? Their roots run deep, and it isn't easy to clear out that much age old growth. They still provide us shelter, wood for tools and fire, fruit and beautiful flowers.

So next time you find yourself next to a tree, go ahead and touch it. Feel the texture of the bark under your skin, feel the surface of the leaves, look at the patterns the leaves are arranged in. But most of all close your eyes and feel the energy coming from that tree. It's seen a lot, and endured a lot, and you could learn a lot by stopping and listening.

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