
I believe in god, only I spell it Nature-- Frank Lloyd Wright

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Garden under construction

I came home today, and to my surprise, Chris had hooked up our rain barrel and drawn up plans and started building a water area in our back yard! We had received a pond from a friend of ours, and it has sat in our back yard for about two years now. I am glad we will finally be able to put it to use! The space faces east and gets the morning sun until about 12:00. Here it was being built:
Here is Chris and Piper in a carrier:

Here are the plants he picked out, azalea bushes, yellow and white shasta daisies, and delpheniums:

This is our vision of the space:
I think we will keep the pond as just an ornamental thing for now. We still have to install a rain gutter over this area to keep it from eroding every time it rains. Also, that border is temporary. We will probably buy a plastic or stone border and make it the same shape as the pond. I love how misshapen and  unusual it is.

While he worked on that, I got my 18 bags of rich compost and soil and started adding it to my two raised beds. Chris bought a drip hose, so that we could snake it through our veggies and water them without soaking the leaves and eroding the soil.

Spring gardening is in full swing!

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